5 common mistakes Free Fire players make in early-game fights


The early game phase of a Free Fire match is a "break it or make it" moment. If players cannot make the most of this timeframe, the match's outcome may be less than desirable.

Given the freedom in-game, players often tend to make numerous mistakes after landing. This seals their fate and pushes them towards an early exit, forcing them back into the lobby. To avoid this scenario, here are a few mistakes that users can easily avoid in-game.

Avoid making these common mistakes during the early game in Free Fire

1) Not staying with the squad during team matches

When fighting alongside teammates in the early-game stages, staying together is key to survival. With safety in numbers and the ability to revive fallen comrades, players are less likely to be eliminated.

Unfortunately, not everyone is a team player in Free Fire squad matches. Some users tend to get ahead of themselves and rush the enemy solo. Without backup, they soon get overwhelmed by the enemy team and get eliminated.

2) Trying to push into a hot drop zone to find opponents

Hot drop zones are exciting and nerve-wracking places to land at. Most of the players who land at these locations don't make it past the early-game stage. Given the fierce competition, survival is not a guarantee.

At times, some players attempt to enter a hot drop zone after securing loot. While this strategy is not wrong, there are several dangers associated with it. Opponents in the area who are well dug in will be able to easily shoot the player and pin them down. Instead of gaining eliminations, the player will be eliminated.

3) Rotating too soon to look for opponents

Each area on the map only has a finite amount of loot. Once exhausted, players will have to rotate to greener pastures to find supplies. This strategy is usually implemented after the early-game phase ends.

However, some players tend to rotate too quickly and without proper gear to look for opponents. This may lead to complications as opponents that have been in their respective areas have already armed themselves with the teeth. Going toe-to-toe with them in combat will result in an early exit.

4) Failing to loot fast enough

To fight early in the game, players need supplies. In addition to utility items, weapons and ammo have to be secured. Usually, most players are available to secure these basic supplies post haste. However, not everyone manages to do the same.

At times, the enemy manages to get a drop on the player and swiftly eliminate them. Unfortunately, there is no way to remedy this situation. Players will have to learn how to loot fast to avoid being eliminated during combat.

5) Playing too aggressively

Playing aggressively is a sure way to get more kills and improve the K/D ratio in Free Fire. However, it is also the fastest way to get eliminated during the early-game phase of the match.

Without an advanced loadout, trying to chain eliminations without pause will end badly. While a few opponents will go down easily, others may put up stiffer resistance and fight back.

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